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Agrifutures Australia commissions Carbon Count to develop handbook to help primary producers better navigate Government regulated emission reduction schemes.

A farmer’s handbook to on–farm carbon management aims to enable primary producers to take climate action by clarity and practical guidance on on–farm carbon management schemes available under the Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

August 26, 2022

“A Practical guide that cuts through the noise,” A farmer’s handbook to on–farm carbon management offers Practical information on carbon farming and on–farm emission reduction schemes for the Australian farmer."

26 August 2022

Melbourne, VIC: Today, Carbon Count announced that their latest publication, created on behalf of Australian Government entity Agrifutures Australia, is now available for download and purchase.

Farmers worldwide are on the frontline in our global quest to mitigating climate change. Enabling and facilitating farm enterprises everywhere to pivot to emission reduction and carbon sequestration practices in an efficient and economically friendly way, is hence crucial in order to meet NetZero 2050 targets. A farmer’s handbook to on–farm carbon management aims to enable primary producers to take climate action by clarity and practical guidance on on–farm carbon management schemes available under the Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

Key Discussion Points include which of the Australian Governments' on–farm emission reduction schemes are relevant to each type of farm enterprise, what the opportunities and requirements are for participating in these schemes, what the common risks, costs and pitfalls are which are associated with participation, as well as what the potential rewards and benefits of participating in on–farm emission reduction schemes could be.

Robert Quirk, cane farmer in NSW, Australia, remarked: “This is a great overview of what’s really available to Australian farmers. We need clarity and answers, we need to know what the transition to more climate–friendly practices will look like from a cost benefit perspective. Its' simplicity and actionable information that will get the industry moving.”

The book is available for free download or as a print-on-demand hardcopy via the Agrifutures website, and is already raising much-needed awareness among farmers and agronomists.

About Carbon Count

Carbon Count is an online platform for managing the end-to-end lifecycle of a carbon project from viability assessment to carbon credit generation. The SaaS application lowers the  barrier to entry for carbon farming, providing digital tools and a guided approach towards better design and execution of carbon projects to meet regulations, standards and methodology requirements. With its patented capabilities in optimising carbon measurement and reducing project costs, Carbon Count assists farmers, carbon project managers, samplers, auditors, agronomists and financiers in collaborating on carbon projects and navigating complex methodologies to produce carbon credits with high integrity. Carbon Count’s mission is to make carbon farming accessible and profitable, ultimately creating value through agricultural management, enabling the restoration of landscape, climate and community. A private company with headquarters in Australia, Carbon Count has offices in Sydney, Melbourne and Bristol, UK.

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