Company News

Carbon Count Company Update – February/March 2022

Philip Mulvey
March 18, 2022

Written by Philip Mulvey, Carbon Count Founder and CEO

Dear readers,

What a ride it’s been with the carbon market this month. After the incredible growth we’ve witnessed last year it was in a way good to see things normalise - what goes up, must come down. But it would have been better if the government had not dumped on the market.

We’re excited to announce that Carbon Count V2 is going live today with revised designs, a more intuitive user interface and significant improvements to under–the–hood capabilities which set us up for future expansion. These developments did result in the delay in releasing our call from Series B funding.

We can confirm that our B Series funding round is now officially kicking off on March 28th. Please reach out if you would like to receive more information about this.

Our US tour is also in full swing with stimulating conversations being had with our users, potential partners and investors.

The team on our home turf Australia have been keeping busy too and have enjoyed their time connecting to farmers, agribusinesses and the carbon farming ecosystem at AgSmart 2022 in Tamworth, NSW. It was great to see an engaged crowd during our seminars on Carbon Farming. After two days it was quite clear that carbon farming and soil carbon sequestration are definitely starting to become top–of–mind with farming communities. Wonderful to witness. After all it's our primary producers that are the ones that can starkly reshape our climate for the better.

Our first industry whitepaper on Australian agriculture’s role and responsibility in mitigating climate change has also launched this week. You can grab a copy here. Australia still has the opportunity to become a leader in climate change mitigation if we act now and act based on proven methods and protocols, starting with building a strong foundation made of sound and commercially viable policy to encourage much needed participation on farm level.

We also welcome yet another soil scientist (in pedometrics) to our happily growing team, who has been working on automating exclusions when defining projects to streamline this process for you. Our team is evaluating which soil carbon prediction models to build into our platform.  

Till’ next month!



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