Company News

Carbon Count Company Update – January/February 2022

Philip Mulvey
February 11, 2022

Written by Philip Mulvey, Carbon Count Founder and CEO

What a start to 2022 it has been for our industry.

The spot price for ACCUs is now at AUD $59; this time last year it was at $16.50 –  a clear indicator of the momentum our industry is gathering, and a big glimmer of hope for us at Carbon Count that we’re moving towards our mission of creating value through agricultural management, enabling the restoration of landscape, climate and community. 


We have big plans. 

Strategically we started working with standards organisations to get an international version of the Australian Soil Carbon Method approved. On this basis we have initiated trials using the platform for soil carbon sequestration in Ireland and are soon launching further trials in the USA and Canada, with more countries to come in 2022 as we move to a planned rollout across the world.


Carbon Count 2.0 is launching soon.

The fantastic feedback provided by our users has led to multiple powerful new features and an optimised user experience. Get ready for performance enhancements, project viability pre-assessment support  and parallel processing within a single account. 


The engineering team is busy developing carbon sequestration models to support measure–model–measure methodologies as well as due diligence and assurance tools for lenders. We’re also developing other land–based offset methodologies including Human Induced Revegetation (HIR – Reforestry), savannah burning and will be able to support several land–based carbon sequestration methods to be combined or “stacked” in the one project.


Others in our team are looking at enhancements for stratification strategies and sampling, as well as management protocols for small farms in the developing world and very large farms in developed countries. Whilst this is going on our design and communications team is busy redesigning our website, user–based access portals and ways to improve the customer experience.  


The team is growing fast.

To support all this we’ve hired another full–stack engineer, a product designer and have brought on several interns. We have also employed a geospatial data scientist/soil scientist who is focused on developing the due diligence and assurance tools based on modelling predictions, remote sensing and near–surface imagery data.


We are excited by the opportunity set by management for growth, and will thus be doubling our staff to 28 this year that will be spread across 3 regional offices.  


As announced last month, we are launching our call for Series A/B funding on March 1st with the offer open until June 1st. Do reach out if you would like to learn more about this.


The feedback loop with this growing community has been fantastic, and I look forward to continuing conversations and a growthful Q1.


Kind regards and till’ next month,


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