Company News

Carbon Count Company Update – May/June 2022

The past month has been jam packed with community engagements, launching our new pre-assessment tool for soil carbon projects and catching up with investors.

Philip Mulvey
June 15, 2022

Written by Philip Mulvey, Carbon Count Founder and CEO

The past month has been jam packed with community engagements, launching our new pre-assessment tool for soil carbon projects and catching up with investors.

It was fantastic to see a great turnout at the Carbon Farming Conference in Albury, NSW, where Australia’s carbon farming industry came together to discuss best practices, share experiences, look into the future together and see how we can help shape the industry that we’re part of. We were delighted to see that building soil health and security was top of the agenda.

We also experienced overwhelming interest at FarmFest at Toowoomba, Qld last week, where thousands of primary producers gathered for a 3–day Field Day. It was very interesting to learn about the different narratives on carbon farming going around with a lot of farmers searching for clarity and information on the government's carbon farming scheme and what it all means for them. We were glad to be able to offer sound advice and answer pressing questions. Education and spreading awareness is imperative for successful and timely adoption of carbon farming practices. Time is running out, so we see it as our responsibility to educate communities.

The soil carbon project pre–assessment tool which enables users to receive an initial indication of the viability of potential soil carbon projects was demonstrated at both events. This tool will soon be available, free of charge, within the Carbon Count platform.

Don’t forget to register for the launch of Version 2 of our platform!  Our team has designed a really exciting piece of software that now allows you to manage a carbon project from end to end, the whole lifecycle of a soil carbon farming project. Register here for our webinar next Thursday 23 June at 10:00 AEST.

Till’ next month,


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