
Webinar Replay: Discover the Power of the Carbon Count Platform

Learn about the core capabilities of the Carbon Count Platform and what's behind the FAAST algorithm.

Cora Poniwerski
September 22, 2021

This Webinar takes you through all the core capabilities of the Carbon Count Platform, and demonstrates how Carbon Count can dramatically streamline and simplify your soil carbon projects.

Our Head of Business Development Terry Gould will be focusing on the platform functionalities and Lead Engineer Sing Le will be explaining the science behind our FAAST Algorithm - our Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Soil Testing , which is at the heart of the sampling plan generation capability of our platform.

FAAST is a patented algorithm based on unequal area stratification, which is the foundational methodology for soil sampling in Australia’s Carbon Farming Initiative Emissions Reduction Fund 2018 Methodology, and will be integral to the 2021 methodology becoming active soon. Sing will demonstrate how FAAST optimises your return on investment on soil carbon projects. Sing will also give you a sneak peek into what we are working on for the US market.

This session is concluded by a Q&A which features:

— Carbon Count founder and CEO Philip Mulvey

— CTO Justin Baird

— Head of Business Development Terry Gould

— Lead Engineer Sing Le

— Lead Engineer Reuben Coutinho 

Key Takeaways:

— How you can launch and manage a successful soil carbon project in just 5 simple steps.

— How Carbon Count can make a real impact to your bottom line by reducing costs and maximising profits.

— What the key to the FAAST algorithm is and how it can considerably influence what you are left with to trade.

— A sneak peek into what’s coming for the USA!

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